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Encourage democratic functioning, being careful not to dominate the group, or to allow any minority or individuals to use it for their own ends. Encourage opportunities within the group which will contribute to the students development. Be well informed on all plans and activities of the group through regular attendance at all meetings and frequent consultation with the officers. Attend official activities and meetings of the group. Approve and justify all expenditures. Assist the group in maintaining all of the records required by the Student Activities office, i.e., request forms, requisitions, minutes, and financial statements. Assist the students in the reconciliation of funds. Interpret to the group the college philosophies and policies when helping the group plan its programs. Be familiar with the contents of the Club Procedure Manual governing clubs and organizations. Be responsible for the safety of the students during their activities. Article IV OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Each club officer must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA and no officer shall be on Academic Probation President Preside over regular meetings. Enforce due observance of the Constitution and By-Laws Appoint committees Serve as ex officio member on all committees. Represent the organization, if necessary or he/she may appoint a representative to do so. Decide questions not specified and exercise all other power of the office. Ascertain that proper representation exists and all required reports are sent to the Student Senate and Activities Office. Each academic year, the president must re-register their officers with the Student Senate. Cooperate with the Assistant Director of Student Life regarding any insurance issue. Arrange for times and locations of meetings. Vice-President Preside and perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or at the request of the President. Assist other officers in their duties. Secretary Record the minutes of all official meetings and handle all correspondence. Create an agenda for all official club meetings. Submit minutes to the Student Senate secretary one time monthly within two weeks of the Clubs meeting. Keep a current and accurate list of all club members. Be available to assist other officers in their duties. Treasurer Be responsible for all financial aspects of the Club. Prepare a budget that shall start at no more than $100 and will increase by no more than 9% per year, unless the increase is comprised solely of that clubs carry over income from the previous year(s). Submit a typed budget by the first Monday of April of each year to the Student Senate, which shall include itemized line items to the greatest extent possible for the following year. Be in charge of all financial aspects of fundraising activities. Turn all funds from fundraising activities over to the Student Senate so they can be deposited in the account of that club, which is held by the Student Senate. For a multi-day fundraising event, cash must be deposited in the Student Activities office on a daily basis. At the conclusion of a fundraising event, all funds must be deposited in the Student Activities office together with a reconciliation that proves the accuracy of the funds generated within one business day. Become familiar with and abide by all the rules of fundraising as dictated by the Hudson Valley Student Senate. Familiarize themselves with budget request procedures and line item transfers as stated in the HVCC Club Procedures Manual. Article V ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND VOTING A quorum of members must be present for all elections and voting A quorum will consist of at least half of the clubs current membership plus one. All motions must be passed by half of the members present plus one. Elections of officers are to be held once a year. Nominations should be taken from club members. All officers should be elected by half of the members present plus one. Article VI REMOVAL OF OFFICERS Officers can be removed by a majority vote of the club membership. Article VII CLUB MEMBERS AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES There must be at least 10 members (including officers) for a club to remain active. Membership is open to all Hudson Valley Students who pay the Student Activity Fee. An individual will be designated a member when s/he has attended the first of the clubs meetings in a school year or when s/he attends two consecutive meetings at any other time in the school year. If a member misses two consecutive meetings, s/he is no longer a member. S/he will be redesignated as a member when s/he attends two consecutive meetings. Members will take an active, responsible role in the activities of the club. Members will seek to improve the activities. Members will recognize the role of the advisor in the activities of the club. Members will maintain a 2.0 average to hold a club office or participate in a clubs activities. Members will communicate all club events/activities to the Director of Student Life (or designee) and obtain approval. Article VIII INACTIVE CLUBS Clubs will become inactive and be removed from the club listing if there have been no expenditures or activities within one year and/or if the club has no advisor and/or if a budget is not submitted in a timely fashion.     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