Cancellation and Closing Information

Unusually severe weather, emergencies or other situations may occasionally require that college operations be closed or curtailed. Unless otherwise noted at the top of this page, the college is open.

The decision to cancel, postpone classes or close the college is usually determined by 5 a.m. when inclement weather occurs overnight. The decision to cancel classes may also occur during the scheduled day and shall be reported at least one and one-half (1-1/2) hours prior to the announced cancellation time under most conditions. It may be necessary to update postings/alerts depending on the conditions.

All students, faculty and staff are urged to use their judgment when traveling during inclement weather. If the college is open, it is your responsibility to communicate with the appropriate faculty and staff if you cannot make it as scheduled.

Sample Messaging

Classes delayed until {TIME}.
This means that all classes are cancelled until the time announced. Classes that have a start time of the time announced or later will meet as scheduled.

Day classes are cancelled.
This means that all classes with a start time prior to 4 p.m. are cancelled.

Evening classes are cancelled.
This means that all classes with a start time of 4 p.m. or later are cancelled.

Classes are cancelled effective {TIME}.
This means that all classes are cancelled beginning at the time announced and for the remainder of the day.

All classes are cancelled.
This means all classes (day and evening) are cancelled.

NOTE: The message will also include information about the college being open or closed and special instructions for staff. If the college is open, staff should report and offices will be open. If the college is closed, offices are closed, staff should not report and will be allowed to charge administrative leave. When the college is closed, only essential operational personnel, previously designated by their managers to work during a weather emergency, should report to work.

Communication Tools

Cancellations and closings will be communicated through the following:

  • Alertus + App and SUNY Everbridge: Sign-up today
  • College Home Page:
  • Email: Sent to all students, faculty and staff
  • Social Media Sites: and

The college also posts through the School Closing Network, which includes announcements on local newspapers, TV and radio stations.