Protocols for Responding to Accessible Web Content Issues

ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ complies with Federal and State technology access policies, standards and guidelines (Federal Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 for Section 508 Priority 1 and 2, New York State Technology Standards S04-001 and New York State Technology Policy P04-002).

Private components of our web site include Learning Management System courses, portal content and other content on our web site behind a college login and therefore closed to the public.

Learning Management System Course and Portal Organization Content

When a student informs the instructor of accessibility issue:

  • instructor resolves problem, or informs Distance Learning staff
  • if determined not to be an accessibility issue, the Distance Learning staff will work with student to resolve
  • if determined to be an accessibility issue, the Distance Learning staff will work to resolve issue with instructor and, if applicable, with Center for Access and Assistive Technology (CAAT) staff

When a student informs the Distance Learning staff of accessibility issue:

  • if determined not to be an accessibility issue, the Distance Learning staff will work with the student to resolve
  • if determined to be an accessibility issue, the Distance Learning staff will work to resolve issue with instructor and, if applicable, with Center for Access and Assistive Technology (CAAT) staff

When a student informs anyone else on campus of accessibility issue:

  • If anyone else on campus is aware of an accessibility issue they should inform the Distance Learning staff
  • if determined not to be an accessibility issue, the Distance Learning staff will work with student to resolve
  • if determined to be an accessibility issue, the Distance Learning staff will work to resolve issue with instructor and, if applicable, with Center for Access and Assistive Technology (CAAT) staff

Portal Content and Other Content Behind a College Login

  • user informs content owner or content holder of accessibility issue
  • content owner or content holder resolves problem, or informs editor or webmaster
  • if not accessibility issue editor or webmaster work with user to resolve
  • if accessibility issue editor or webmaster work to resolve issue with content owner or content holder and if applicable with CAAT staff

Public Content Not Behind a College Login

Public components include content on our web site not behind a college login and therefore open to the public.

  • user informs editor or webmaster of accessibility issue
  • if not accessibility issue editor or webmaster work with user to resolve
  • if accessibility issue editor or webmaster work to resolve issue with content owner and if applicable with CAAT staff

Get in Touch

Center for Access and Assistive Technology

Siek Campus Center, Room 130

TDD: (518) 629-7596
Fax: (518) 629-4831

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.