Mascot Madness 2022

March 22, 2022

SUNY Mascot Madness logo and Viking mascot

As is customary, and similar to the annual NCAA March Madness basketball tournament, Mascot Madness is broken down into 5 rounds:

  • Round 1
    Tuesday, March 22 at noon – Friday, March 25 at 4 p.m. 
  • Round 2
    Monday, March 28 at noon – Wednesday, March 30 at 4 p.m.
  • Round 3
    Friday, April 1 at noon – Tuesday, April 5 at 4 p.m.
  • Round 4/Semifinals
    Thursday, April 7 at noon – Monday, April 11 at 4 p.m.
  • Finals
    Tuesday, April 12 at noon – Thursday, April 14 at 4 p.m.

Voting takes place online and allows for site visitors and fans to cast one vote per 24 hours in each round.

For rounds 1-3, bonus votes will be able to be cast on Twitter. In the semifinals and finals, Instagram will also be used to generate votes.

Check in every round for access to voting tools and to make your voice heard.

Mascot Madness 2022 Bracket (PDF)

2022 Q and A with the Viking

Who are you and who do you represent?
I am Victor the Viking. After jumping ship on a North American voyage hundreds of years ago, I froze in an iceberg that made its way up the Hudson River to what is now Troy, NY. In the early 1960s, I thawed out and headed up to the college. I now proudly represent Hudson Valley, the Capital Region's largest community college and home of the Vikings!

What’s your favorite place on campus?
I like to hang out with students in the Siek Campus Center. I’m always challenging them to a game of foosball or ping pong. I typically win—Vikings are naturally great at conquering obstacles, but if I’m feeling extra generous, I may give my opponent a few points to make it a close game!

What’s your favorite place or thing to do off campus?
I enjoy Troy! I’m a big fan of all the shops, galleries, cafes and restaurants as well as local museums, parks, local architecture and fun events. I visit downtown regularly to see my friends at the Capital District EOC too and to take part in community events. I even participate in the Troy Turkey Trot every Thanksgiving!

What’s your favorite movie/tv show/special that you streamed last year?
I’m now streaming The Gilded Age, HBO’s new 1880s historical drama, and the latest television series filmed in the City of Troy. The Collar City is featured prominently in the new show that transformed Troy into 1880s New York City during a month-long production.

What’s your favorite comfort food to get through a cold winter?
I like to order PRIME’s Family Style To-Go Dinners every so often, but I’ve been working on getting my fruits and veggies in too! Many people don’t realize that Vikings like cabbages, beans, peas and endive, and wild apples and berries too. Eating healthy gives me the boost of energy I need to keep up with all our student athletes!

With SUNY offering convenient new learning options through microcredentials, what’s a new skill or competency you’d like to develop?
I’m a life-long learner and fortunate that HVCC has a wide variety of new microcredentials to choose from. Since I’m always eager to learn more about our cultural diversity, I’m going to start with the college’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion microcredential. But, I’ve got my eye on Fashion and Design too, since I’ve been thinking of updating new tunic and helmet to a more modern look!

Where would you like to retire when your mascot days are over?
Well, I hope my days at the Valley never end. However, I used to travel all over the world trading goods and doing business with all kinds of people. So, I’m thinking of setting up a local shop now that I’m a bit more established here in the community. I might even pick up a few courses in Entrepreneurship at Hudson Valley to get an edge on the competition!

How would you celebrate a SUNY Mascot Madness championship?
It would be an honor and privilege to represent SUNY and Hudson Valley as this year’s Mascot Madness champ! To celebrate, I’d probably talk to our Events Office and rent out the McDonough Sports Complex to throw a big victory party open to everyone in the community. GO VIKINGS!!!

Media Contact

Office of Communications and Marketing
Fitzgibbons Health Technologies Center, Room 330