Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region Invests $100,000 in ATEC Campaign

October 29, 2024

Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region presents check

approved a $100,000 grant in support of the Applied Technology Education Center at ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ.

The grant represents one of the largest single investments designated from the Foundation’s Community Impact funds, a family of funds representing the legacies of individuals, families, and businesses; many of those made possible through the thoughtful generosity of gifts received as part of an estate. Understanding that the Community Foundation staff possesses deep knowledge of our region’s nonprofit organizations and community needs, these funds are left to the discretion of the Community Foundation’s Grants and Community Initiatives Committee, led by Murray Massry.

“As a community foundation, we know from our experiences that the strength of any community is the collective result of many working together for the common good,” said John Eberle, President and CEO. “Our mission is to strengthen our community through philanthropy, and we believe investing in education and training so that everyone can thrive is one of the best investments we can make in our future. This gift was the result of many individuals who left a piece of their estate to have a positive impact. We look forward to seeing the many ways this gift will inspire students and support business leaders willing to build their dreams here in the Capital Region.”

"On behalf of all of us at ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ, I'd like to share my sincere thanks with the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region for their outstanding support and generosity in investing in the creation of our new Applied Technology Education Center," said ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ Officer in Charge Louis Coplin. "The support of local partners is instrumental to creation of not only ATEC itself, but the opportunities it will create for our students, our workforce, and our region."

The Community Foundation serves our region as a philanthropic partner to more than 470 thoughtful and generous individuals, families and local businesses who established funds to support their charitable giving. Discretionary funds like Community Impact help us lead, join, and fund collective impact strategies that improve access and opportunity for all those who live in the Capital Region.

In 2023, the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region recorded one of its largest investments in support of nonprofits and in scholarship awards to local students. Together with our family of funds and in partnership with regional private and family foundations, the Community Foundation facilitated $9.2M in directed grantmaking and distributed more than $1.5M in unrestricted grants and scholarships from permanent endowment funds entrusted to the Foundation.

Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region presents check during automotive class with students

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