

The name of this organization shall be "The Academic Senate of ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ."


The Academic Senate, hereinafter called the Senate, shall be the representative governing body of the faculty, administration, staff and students of ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ. It shall be a deliberative body where the representatives of diverse constituencies from across campus shall meet to review, examine, formulate, discuss and resolve in a collegial fashion issues pertaining to the academic life of the College. As outlined in the subsequent articles of these bylaws and in its policies and procedures, the Senate shall have the power to receive proposals, suggestions, and concerns from the campus community and from its committees, give them due consideration, and forward recommendations to the President of the College for implementation or where appropriate for consideration by the Board of Trustees. The Senate shall act in a manner consistent with the policies of the Board of Trustees of ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ, the responsibilities of the office of the President of the College, statutory requirements, and bargaining unit agreements. Once confirmed and ratified by the Board of Trustees of the College, these bylaws and subsequent amendments shall be considered an official governance document of the College.


As one of the College's principal advisory and recommending governing entities, all Senate recommendations shall be communicated in writing to the President. The President may always request advice and counsel from the Senate on issues and/or policy matters confronting the College. A meeting between the Senate Chairperson and the President of the College shall be scheduled monthly by the Senate Chairperson to discuss upcoming Senate items and/or future areas of concern to the College and Senate. As the College's policy making governing body, the Board of Trustees may, at any time, request through the President advisory recommendations from the Senate on issues that the Board believes are appropriate for consideration by the Senate. Under circumstances during which the Senate cannot be convened, the Board of Trustees may request input from the Chairperson and the Senate officers. The Executive Committee of the Trustees, together with any other board members, and the Senate's Officers under the initiation and direction of the President shall meet at least annually to discuss and consider matters of mutual concern to the College and the Senate. The Chairperson will request to be on the agenda of the All College Meeting to address the campus community.


Section 1. Composition of the Senate

Teaching faculty as members of the Senate shall be selected as follows:

Each school shall elect one Senator for each ten full-time teaching faculty members and/or education specialists, exclusive of the chairperson or equivalent, within that school. But no more than one Senator may thus be elected from any department except:

  • if the department has more than ten full-time teaching faculty members and/or education specialists, exclusive of the chairperson or equivalent; or
  • as the result of an at-large election held in accordance with Section 2 of this article.

For purposes of this section, the librarians and the education specialists, not part of a department, shall be considered as constituting a school. The department chairs (or equivalent) shall elect one Senator for each ten of their number.

There shall be three adjunct teaching faculty Senators elected to the Senate college-wide by all teaching faculty members holding adjunct appointments.

Other members of the Senate shall be the following, selected as indicated:

  • Vice President for Academic Affairs, ex-officio;
  • Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Development, ex-officio;
  • Vice President for Administration, ex-officio;
  • Vice President for Finance, ex-officio;
  • Vice President for Institutional Advancement, ex-officio;
  • College's Delegate to the Faculty Council of Community Colleges, ex-officio;
  • Chairs of the Standing Committees, ex-officio;
  • Registrar, ex-officio;
  • One Dean, elected by and from the following:
    • School of Business, School of Engineering and Industrial Technologies,
    • School of Health Sciences, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
  • Three representatives elected by and from the full-time Non-Teaching Professionals of the College;
  • One Senator elected by and from the classified staff of the College;
  • Four students, one per school, elected by the Student Senate.

Appendix I of this document sets forth the composition and numbers for the Senate's first year. Thereafter, this composition shall be reviewed annually by the Elections Committee and their recommendations for change, if any, submitted for approval by the full Senate at the January meeting.

Section 2. Maintenance of the 70% Ratio

Should the faculty/department chair membership of the Senate ever fall below 70%, additional members shall be elected at-large in sufficient numbers to maintain the 70% ratio.

Section 3. Terms of Office

The terms of office for representatives are as follows:

  • Vice President for Academic Affairs: on-going;
  • Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Development: on-going;
  • Vice President for Administration: on-going;
  • Vice President for Finance: on-going;
  • Vice President for Institutional Advancement: on-going;
  • Registrar: on-going;
  • College's Delegate to the Faculty Council of Community Colleges: duration of term as Delegate;
  • Chair of each Standing Committee: duration of term as Chair;
  • Students: one year;
  • All others: three years.

Section 4. Election Procedures

Except for the student and ex-officio members, Senators shall be elected for three-year terms, approximately one-third elected annually. The election will take place in March, effective June 1st following.

The College's Delegate to the Faculty Council of Community Colleges shall be elected in a college-wide election by and from full-time teaching faculty members for a term of three years.

Consistent with the provisions of Article IX, Section 6, the Elections Committee of the Senate shall be responsible each year for the conduct of all elections.

Section 5. Removal (Recall) of A Senator

Any member of the Senate, inclusive of Officers and Committee Chairpersons but exclusive of ex-officio members, may be subject to recommendation of recall for cause upon written petition to the Senate Chairperson by 20% of the membership of the Senate or upon recommendation of 2/3 of the Officers of the Senate, itself.

Upon receipt of such a petition or action, the Senate Chairperson shall place the item on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting of the Senate.

The recall shall be deemed official and binding if approved by at least 2/3 of the membership of the Senate present and voting at the meeting.

Section 6. Vacancies in Membership

A vacancy in the membership shall exist if an elected unit senator submits a resignation in writing to the Senate Chairperson, or if an official recall has occurred, or if a member is on leave for a semester or longer.

In each instance, a replacement shall be elected, using the procedures set forth by the Elections Committee, to serve the remainder of the term. Vacancies occurring after the Spring election but on or before September 15 shall be filled by an election held in September. Vacancies occurring after September 15 shall be filled by the Spring election.


It shall be the responsibility of Senators:

  • to review and evaluate all Committee reports, recommendations, and resolutions that accompany each agenda prior to each meeting of the Senate;
  • to determine the opinions of their constituents before meetings of the Senate;
  • to attend all meetings of the Senate. If an elected Academic Senator has three or more absences per academic year then their seat shall be under review by the Officers of the Senate;
  • to bring to the Senate matters that concern their constituents;
  • to report fully and regularly to their constituents on the activities of the Senate.


Section 1. Terms of Office and Election Procedures for Officers

  • The officers of the Senate shall be the Chairperson, First Vice Chairperson, Second Vice Chairperson, and Secretary. Except in the first year of the Senate's existence, only Senators with six months service in the Senate shall be eligible for election as officers. The officers shall be elected for two-year terms, August 1 to July 31, by the entire Senate. Election for the positions of Chairperson and Second Vice Chairperson, and the election for the positions of First Vice Chairperson and Secretary shall take place in alternate years.
  • Nominations for officers shall be taken from the floor at the regular meeting in April. Additional nominations shall be made in writing in a manner prescribed by the Elections committee and must be received at least three days prior to the May meeting. Elections will be held at the May business meeting. Officers must receive a simple majority (50% plus one vote) of the votes cast by the membership present. If a majority vote is not obtained on the first ballot, there shall be a run-off amongst the top candidates. If a repeat ballot doesn't break a tie, then the election can be done by mail or by calling a special meeting as determined by the Elections Committee. All voting shall be by secret ballot.

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers

CHAIRPERSON: The Chairperson of the Senate shall call and preside at meetings of the Senate; prepare the agenda for Senate meetings in cooperation with both Vice Chairpersons and distribute the agenda at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting. The Chairperson shall meet monthly with the President of the College and provide reports on the status of all actions of the Senate. The Chairperson shall provide orientation meetings for new Senators and new Chairs of Standing Committees to introduce them to the work of the Senate and call a meeting of the Chairs of the Standing Committees at least once a year to discuss common concerns. The Chairperson or designee shall attend meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Chairperson shall submit annually a Senate budget proposal in accord with the guidelines established by the Vice President of Finance and prepare a calendar for meetings of the Senate for the upcoming academic year. The Chairperson can speak in favor of or in opposition to a motion only by temporarily relinquishing the Chair; vote only in the case of a tie.

VICE CHAIRPERSONS: The First Vice Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson in presiding over the Senate in the absence of the Chairperson. If the Chairperson is unable to serve in office, the First Vice Chairperson assumes the position of the Chairperson immediately for the balance of the term of office. The First Vice Chairperson will oversee the general operation of the Academic Senate Standing Committees under the direction of the Chairperson of the Senate and attend Standing Committee meetings when proposals are being discussed which will be brought to the floor of the Senate. The First Vice Chairperson will keep the campus constituency apprised of the flow of issues through the Standing Committees by means of a flow chart. The First Vice Chairperson shall perform other duties as assigned by the Senate Chairperson.

The Second Vice Chairperson will assist the First Vice Chairperson in overseeing the general operation of the Academic Senate standing committees and in the absence of the Chairperson, assumes the position of Chairperson, in the event that the First Vice Chairperson is not able to do so. The Second Vice Chairperson will oversee the operation of the Academic Senate Ad Hoc Committees and collate and collect reports from all Ad Hoc Committees. The Second Vice Chairperson shall perform other duties as assigned by the Senate Chairperson.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep notes at all meetings of the Senate and work with the Recording Secretary to produce a detailed account of Senate business. The Secretary shall cooperate with the Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons to prepare the agenda for Senate meetings; maintain the Senate records and website; represent the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson at meetings, as necessary; and perform other duties as assigned by the Senate Chairperson.

Section 3. Other Provisions

In no event shall an Officer of the Senate be the Chair of a Standing Committee. An Officer of the Senate may continue to be a member of a Standing Committee but the Officer’s first commitment is to the Senate.


Section 1. Regular Meetings

The Chairperson of the Senate shall convene regular meetings each month, August through May. These meetings shall be published in the College administrative calendar. The membership shall be notified of the time, place and agenda of these meetings at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting. The Vice Chairperson of the Senate shall publish the agenda for regular meetings to the College community.

Section 2. Special Meetings

Special Meetings may be convened by the Senate Chairperson upon request of the Chairperson of any Standing Committee; or by petition of 20% of the members. All requests will result in the meeting being scheduled and held within ten (10) days. Where practical, the agenda for special meetings will be published to the membership at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. Whenever practical, the agenda shall be published to the College community in advance of the meeting. In no event shall regular business be transacted at a special meeting.

Section 3. Quorum

A quorum consists of 50% plus one of the membership of the Senate. A quorum must be present in order to conduct Senate business.

Section 4. Order of Business

  1. Roll Call by signature
  2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting (Minutes will be read aloud only if copies have not been previously provided to all members and if such reading is requested.)
  3. Special Reports
  4. Reports of Standing Committees
  5. Reports of Other Committees
  6. Unfinished business
  7. New business
  8. Announcements
  9. Adjournment

Section 5. Voting

Additions to the agenda and motions on items of regular business (or special business at a special meeting) are passed by simple majority of those present. Voting can be done by show of hands, by voice or by ballot in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 6. Special Provision for Expediting Business

Matters under discussion at a meeting can be tabled by majority vote of those present or as with the procedure following:

To move business expeditiously, the Chairperson may call for a vote to end discussion on any agenda item. Should the proposal for closure be rejected, the issue under discussion shall be automatically tabled until the next meeting when it shall again be presented for action by the membership.

Section 7. Senate Actions

  • All formal recommendations of the Senate shall be communicated in writing to the President of the College. Submissions shall include both the majority and minority opinions, if applicable, and must include an impact statement (Resources required: human, equipment, space; impact on other units of the College: maintenance, facilities, etc.; and cost/benefit data, inclusive of impact on FTEs, if it is a curriculum change). A finance plan which identifies sources of funds necessary for the implementation of the recommendation(s) is required.

    The President may submit such recommendations to the Vice President with functional jurisdiction of the area considered in the recommendations and/or the Cabinet for additional review and counsel. In all matters affecting college policy, the Senate recommendation shall require Board of Trustees approval. Should the issue require ultimate Board of Trustees review and approval, the President shall make a formal recommendation to the Trustees through the appropriate Board committee structure. The President will provide the Board with information items related to all recommendations received on the formal Board matter generated from the Senate, administrative staff, Cabinet and/or other source(s) consulted by the President. Where the President's recommendation on a matter differs substantially from the recommendation received from the Senate, the Senate Chairperson shall be invited by the College President to the Board Committee meeting considering the matter and shall be provided an opportunity to discuss the Senate's proposal with the Board Committee. 
  • In all cases, the President shall notify the Senate of the final disposition of the recommendation.

Section 8. Parliamentarian

The Chairperson shall appoint an official Parliamentarian who may be other than a member. The Parliamentarian shall attend all Senate meetings and assure that the meetings are conducted in accordance with the rules and customs of deliberative assemblies as outlined in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order. It is the duty of the Parliamentarian to offer advice to the Chair on procedure in the conduct of Senate meetings and to serve as a resource to committees of the Senate and to Senate members at their request.

Section 9. Recording Secretary

The Chairperson shall appoint an official Recording Secretary, following procedures for an Institutional internal search. The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Senate. Within two weeks after each meeting, the Recording Secretary shall email a copy of the draft minutes to the Secretary of the Senate for editing. Upon approval of the minutes, the Recording Secretary shall facilitate the posting of the approved minutes on the Academic Senate website and email a copy to the President of the College. Hourly compensation for this position is provided through the Senate budget, which the College supports.

Section 10. Attendance of Non-members at Meetings

The Senate is designed to expedite legislative efficiency without limiting the rights of any segment of the campus community. To achieve this purpose there shall be an Open Gallery and an Invited Gallery.

OPEN GALLERY. The Open Gallery shall contain those non-members who have an interest in attending and/or participating in the meeting. The members of the Open Gallery shall be granted the right to participate in debate when recognized by the Chair but will not vote.

INVITED GALLERY. The Invited Gallery shall contain those non-members who are attending the meeting at the invitation of the Senate Chairperson. The President of the College and the Members of the Board of Trustees shall have a standing invitation to the invited gallery. The Senate Chairperson shall issue such other invitations deemed necessary and appropriate at the time the agenda is prepared. Persons may be invited because of the relevance of an issue to their particular area or because they might be needed as resource persons. The members of the Invited Gallery shall have the right to participate in debate when recognized by the Chair but will not vote.


Section 1. Status of Committees

STANDING COMMITTEES: The Standing Committees of the Senate shall include but not be limited to: Educational Policies and Standards; Curriculum; Personnel Resources; Instructional Resources; Student Life; Elections; and Planning.

Ad Hoc Committees: The Senate shall establish Ad Hoc Committees for short-term specific purposes. These committees will be charged by the Chairperson of the Senate - and overseen by the Second Vice Chairperson

Affiliate Committees: Affiliate Committees are long- or short-term committees established and charged by the President or a Vice President of the College in collaboration with the Officers of the Senate. The existence and membership of the committee shall be disclosed to the Senate body at the next Senate meeting following its establishment.

Purpose: The Senate, as a body, shall serve in an advisory capacity to an Affiliate committee. The Senate will receive reports from the committee annually and as a body will have ground level input on issues raised by the committee. An Affiliate Committee serves to promote collaboration and foster communication regarding Academic matters.

Membership: The membership of an Affiliate Committee is determined by the purpose of the Committee and shall include members of the Academic Senate.

In no instance shall the membership, procedures, or decisions of any Committee established by and through the collective bargaining process be subject to the review process contained in these bylaws.

Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities of Standing Committees

  • Upon formation, each Committee shall submit its operational procedures to the Senate. Each committee shall annually review and, if necessary, revise its operational procedures.
  • Each Committee shall submit its proposed program of action for the year. These will be placed on the agenda of the September or October meeting of the Senate for approval by the membership.
  • Each Committee shall initiate and act on matters submitted pursuant to the procedures set forth in these bylaws. Before a proposal, which would require Senate, approval is included on the agenda of a Standing Committee, the Chair of the Committee informs and/or consults with the Chair and First Vice Chairperson of the Senate.
  • No matter shall be considered by a Standing Committee unless it shall have been distributed in writing to members of that Committee at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting at which consideration is requested. Any proposal submitted to a Standing Committee shall include a written statement of the proposal and an academic and functional justification.
  • The Committees shall email the agenda for regular meetings to the campus community a week before each meeting. When practical, this same procedure shall be followed for special meetings.
  • Each Committee shall submit its recommendations in a timely manner to the Senate Chairperson for placement on the Senate agenda. Submissions shall include both the majority and minority opinions, if applicable, and must include an impact statement (Resources required: human, equipment, space; impact on other units of the College: maintenance, facilities, etc.; and cost/benefit data, inclusive of impact on FTEs, if it is a curriculum change). A finance plan which identifies sources of funds necessary for the implementation of the recommendation(s) is required.
  • Each Committee shall keep minutes of all meetings, inclusive of a listing of persons present, absent, and excused. A Committee may select a person other than a member to act as recorder. A brief report of each meeting shall be forwarded to the Recording Secretary of the Senate within one week of the meeting. A copy of the approved monthly minutes shall be posted to the Senate website for the campus community.
  • Each Committee shall prepare an end-of-year-report for review by the Senate. The report shall summarize the Committee's activities and give a list of recommendations made. The report shall be posted on the Academic Senate website for the campus community.

Section 3. Membership

All members of the campus community are eligible to serve on Committees of the Senate according to the committee composition as defined in Article IX of these Bylaws. The individual need not be a member of the Senate.

The Committee membership shall be broadly representative of the Schools and other campus areas, which will be impacted by Committee action. If unable to attend a meeting, an ex-officio member of a standing committee shall name one designee to serve on the committee. That designee serves as needed for the full academic year.

Election shall be for a three-year term, approximately one-third elected annually. The election will take place in the Spring, to be effective August 1 following. Students shall be placed on Committees for a one-year term through a process developed by the Student Senate.

Section 4. Election of Chairs

The Chairs of all Standing Committees shall be elected for a one-year term by their respective Committees. Except for the first year of the Senate's existence, each Chair shall have served at least one year as a member of the Committee.

The Chairs not already members of the Senate shall be full voting members of the Senate during their terms as Chairs.

Elections shall be held at the last committee meeting of the year to be effective August 1 following.

Section 5. Committee Meetings

REGULAR MEETINGS: The Chairs of Committees shall convene regular monthly meetings during the academic year. The dates of these meetings shall be published in the College administrative calendar and shall be so scheduled as not to conflict with regularly scheduled meetings of the Senate.

SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of any committee may be called by the Officers of the Senate; upon request of the Chairperson of any Standing Committee; or by petition of 20% of the members of the Committee. All requests will result in the meeting being scheduled and held within ten (10) days. In no event shall regular business be transacted at a special meeting.

QUORUM. A quorum consists of 50% plus one of the membership of the Committee. A quorum must be present in order to conduct committee business.

VOTING. Each Committee member, including ex-officio members, shall have one vote. Additions to the agenda and motions on items of regular business shall be passed by simple majority of those present. The Committee Chair may vote only in case of a tie. Proxy voting will not be permitted.When committees are about to decide on an important issue, they can invite non-members who have expertise in the subject to offer their views. Before voting on an issue, a member (including the Chairperson) can make a motion to go into executive session in accordance with the requirements as set out in Robert’s Rules of Order. If the motion passes, all non-members would be requested to leave the meeting until the members vote to end the executive session. Business conducted in an executive session is confidential.

For efficiency, the Chair of a Standing Committee can conduct balloting by email. In keeping with Robert's Rules of Order, this balloting can not be used to circumvent any deliberative process. It can be used to count votes on a proposal if due deliberation has already taken place when a quorum was present. Due deliberation is defined as group discussion, in which points of view are shared, pertinent information is disseminated and inquiries are solicited.

The Chairperson of the Standing Committee must be able to certify the accuracy of an email vote. Members not present at the meeting must abstain from voting. Each member will email his or her vote to the Chairperson (no group mailing). Email votes are held for a reasonable time in case the vote is questioned. If the Chairperson receives two emails from the same voter, the voter should be contacted for a determination of the vote if the votes are contradictory.

Section 6. Removal of a Committee Member

Any member of the Committee, exclusive of ex-officio members, may be subject to recommendation of recall for cause upon written petition to the Senate Chairperson, by 20% of the membership of the Committee or upon recommendation of the Chairperson of the Committee.

Upon receipt of such a petition or action, the Senate Chair shall place the item on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate.

The recall shall be deemed official and binding if approved by at least 2/3 of the membership of the Senate present and voting at the meeting.

Section 7. Vacancies in Committee Membership

A vacancy in an elected position shall exist if a Committee member submits a resignation in writing to the Committee Chair or if an official removal has occurred or if a member is on leave for a semester or longer. A replacement shall be elected during the established yearly Senate election timeline as set in Article IV, section 6.

If the vacancy cannot be filled within thirty days by an election, an interim replacement may be appointed by the committee to serve until the next prescribed Senate election unless the vacancy occurs after May 1 in which case the election shall take place the following September.


Section 1: Educational Policies and Standards Committee

  • Purpose: The Educational Policies and Standards Committee is responsible for recommending those matters involving the academic standards and policies of the College.
  • Responsibilities: The Educational Policies and Standards Committee is specifically responsible for formulating, evaluating, approving and recommending policies, rules, and regulations concerning: academic standards; admissions; access to curricula; advising; testing; academic standing including honors, warning, academic progress, probation, dismissal and termination; withdrawal; graduation requirements; grading policies; awarding of credit including transfer, Life Plus One, CLEP, challenge exams; calendar; and scheduling.
  • Membership: The membership of the Educational Policies and Standards Committee shall be: Ten full-time individuals elected by and from the full-time faculty, librarians, and education specialists;
    • One part-time individual elected by and from the part-time faculty, part- time librarians, and part-time education specialists;
    • One Department Chairperson or equivalent;
    • One Dean elected by and from the following:
      • The Dean of Business and Engineering and Industrial Technologies;
      • The Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Health Sciences;
    • The Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee;
    • One Non-Teaching Professional;
    • Director of Continuing Education & Summer Sessions or designee;
    • The Registrar or designee;
    • The Director or Admissions or designee;
    • Associate Dean of Instructional Support Services and Retention or designee;
    • One Student selected by the Student Senate.

Section 2: Curriculum Committee:

  • Purpose. The Curriculum Committee is responsible for recommending those matters involving the adoption, revision, and review of academic programs, courses and curricular policies.
  • Responsibilities. The Curriculum Committee is specifically responsible for:
    • formulating, evaluating, approving and recommending curricular policy and policy relating to study programs of the College including, but not limited to: Continuing Education, articulation agreements, other academic agreements with external agencies, and grant/contract funded programs;
    • reviewing, evaluating, approving, and recommending: new academic programs and courses; changes to existing academic programs and courses; course and curricular prerequisites; requirements for courses, certificates and degrees; curriculum development and change; reintroduction of courses after a hiatus of seven semesters; sequence of courses; major changes in course content; major changes in catalogue descriptions; and changes in title or course number.
  • Membership. The membership of the Curriculum Committee shall be:
    • Eight full-time individuals elected by and from the full-time faculty and education specialists;
    • One librarian;
    • One full-time advisor elected by and from the full-time advisors;
    • One Dean elected by and from the following
      • the Dean of Business and Engineering and Industrial Technologies,
      • the Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Health Sciences;
    • Two Department Chairpersons or equivalents one from each division: one from the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Health Sciences and one from the School of Business and Engineering and Industrial Technologies;
    • Associate Dean of Educational Outreach and Academic Services or designee;
    • Registrar or designee;
    • One Student selected by the Student Senate.

Section 3: Personnel Resources Committee

  • Purpose. The Personnel Resources Committee is responsible for recommending those matters involving professional policies, professional development, and professional recognition.
  • Responsibilities. The Personnel Resources Committee is specifically responsible for:
    • determining the need for and recommending programs relating to professional development at the College;
    • receiving staff development proposals from members of the entire college staff, reviewing these proposals, and making recommendations about them within approved funding levels. The PRC has a list of guidelines which determines the disbursement of funds in the form of stipends. This present list will remain effectively in place until the Senate votes otherwise.
    • formulating, evaluating, approving, and recommending policies including, but not limited to, professional appointment, evaluation, tenure, promotion, continuing appointment, classroom observations, professional development, and merit raises.
  • Membership. The membership of the Personnel Resources Committee shall be:
    • Nine full-time individuals elected by and from the full-time faculty, librarians, and education specialists;
    • One Department Chairperson or equivalent;
    • Three Non-teaching Professionals;
    • Three Classified Staff.

Section 4: Instructional Resources Committee

  • Purpose. The Instructional Resources Committee is responsible for recommending those matters involving policies governing the development and utilization of all learning and instructional resource facilities.
  • Responsibilities. The Instructional Resources Committee is specifically responsible for:
    • formulating, evaluating, approving and recommending policies regarding instructional resources and services in support of classroom instruction and the overall educational process;
    • identifying and evaluating available instructional resources and services and making recommendations concerning the development and implementation of those resources and services which support classroom instruction and the overall educational process, including but not limited to, the library, instructional media, computer, laboratory usage.
  • Membership. The membership of the Instructional Resources Committee shall be:
    • Eight full-time individuals elected by and from the full-time faculty and education specialists;
    • One part-time individual elected by and from the adjunct faculty and part-time education specialists;
    • One Department Chairperson or equivalent;
    • One Librarian;
    • Senior Audio-Visual Technician;
    • Media Specialist;
    • Scheduling Officer or designee;
    • Director of Physical Plant or designee;
    • Director of Distance Learning;
    • Coordinator of Instructional Technologies or designee;
    • The Chief Information Officer or designee.

Section 5: Student Life Committee

  • Purpose. The Student Life Committee is responsible for recommending those matters involving issues affecting the quality of college life and recommends policies and procedures necessary to establish an environment conducive to learning.
  • Responsibilities. The Student Life Committee is specifically responsible for formulating, evaluating, approving and recommending policies and procedures on student life including, but not limited to, student discipline, student advisement and counseling, the registration process and student extra-curricular activities.
  • Membership. The membership of the Student Life Committee shall be:
    • Eight full-time individuals elected by and from the full-time faculty, librarians, and education specialists;
    • One Department Chairperson or equivalent;
    • Two Non-Teaching Professionals;
    • Director of the Center for Counseling and Transfer or designee;
    • Director of Student Life or designee;
    • Two Students selected by the Student Senate.

Section 6. Elections Committee

  • Purpose. The Elections Committee is responsible for recommending those matters involving the policies and procedures for selecting the members of the Senate and its Committees.
  • Responsibilities. The Elections Committee is specifically responsible for:
    • establishing and publishing the procedures by which elections for the Senate and its committees are conducted;
    • reviewing, adjusting and publishing the distribution of representatives within the electoral units and determining the eligibility for voting membership in accordance therewith;
    • receiving nominations in writing for the Senate and Senate Committee elections;
    • preparing and distributing ballots to all members eligible to vote;
    • conducting all elections for the Senate and Senate Committees;
    • certifying all election results prior to the May meeting of the Senate;
    • announcing election results;
    • maintaining all records of an election for thirty (30) days after the official announcement of the election results.
    • Maintain the Academic Senate website with regard to Senate membership, Senate officers, Senate Committee membership, and Senate internal list-serves and distribution lists, based on election results.
  • Membership. 
    • The membership of the Elections Committee for the inauguration of this organization will be determined in the manner set forth in Appendix I of this document;
    • The membership of the Elections Committee thereafter shall be:
      • Three full-time individuals elected by and from the full-time faculty, librarians, and education specialists;
      • One Department Chairperson or equivalent;
      • One Non-Teaching Professional;
      • One classified staff.

Section 7: Planning Committee

  • Purpose. The Planning Committee is responsible for recommending those matters involving the Mission, Goals and Objectives, and Long Range Plans of the College.
  • Responsibilities. The Planning Committee is specifically responsible for:
    • reviewing the Mission of the College on an ongoing basis and recommending changes as appropriate;
    • formulating, evaluating, approving and recommending a statement of philosophy, goals and priorities of the College and continually assessing these areas to see how well the College is meeting its mission and commitment to the community;
    • participating in all aspects of long range planning including cultural exchanges, organizational structure, building programs, budgets, accreditation, and other matters relating to a master plan.
  • Membership. The membership of the Planning Committee shall be:
    • Eight full-time individuals elected by and from the full-time faculty, librarians, and education specialists;
    • Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee;
    • Vice President for Administration or designee;
    • Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Development or designee;
    • Vice President for Finance or designee;
    • Vice President for Institutional Advancement or designee;
    • One Department Chairperson;
    • Director of Planning and Research;
    • Chief Information Officer;
    • Director of the Center for Access and Assistive Technology or designee


These Bylaws shall be reviewed annually by the Senate.


Section 1. Submission

An amendment to these Bylaws of the Senate may be submitted, in writing, by any member of the Senate to the Chairperson of the Senate. It shall be included on the agenda of the meeting of the Senate set by the Chairperson to consider annual by-law changes (Article X).

Section 2. Consideration

A proposed amendment shall not be moved to a vote until the next meeting after it is presented to the Senate.

Section 3. Adoption

Amendments to these Bylaws require 2/3 affirmative votes of those members present and voting but not less than a simple majority of the entire membership of the Senate. No amendment may be voted upon unless it is on the agenda published seven days prior to the meeting having already been presented to the Senate for consideration at a previous meeting. No amendment to the Bylaws shall take effect unless and until it shall have been ratified and confirmed by the President and Board of Trustees of the College.

Section 4. Title Changes

Administrative title changes will be reviewed annually and updated as appropriate. These changes will not require bylaw approval.


Section 1. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Senate in all cases in which they are applicable and not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Senate may adopt.

Section 2. Savings Clause

In case of conflict, these Bylaws shall be subordinate to the constitution, laws and regulations of the United States of America and of the State of New York, the current agreement between the Board of Trustees and the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ Faculty Association and other bargaining units, and the published policies of the Board of Trustees.

Section 3. Definition of Days

All periods of days referred to in these Bylaws shall be understood to refer to calendar days.

Section 4. Planning Meeting

Each year in the spring semester, the President of the College and the Chairperson of the Senate shall convene a planning workshop open to all employees at ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ for the purpose of identifying issues/ideas for Senate consideration/review in the upcoming year.

Section 5. Annual Meeting

Each year, in September, the President of the College and the Chairperson of the Senate shall jointly convene a meeting of the College community for the purpose of: receiving reports of the activities of the Senate and its Standing Committees from the previous year; hearing plans for the Senate for the coming year; and offering opportunity for the members of the college community to comment


Sets forth are:

  • the constituencies, as of the inauguration of the Senate in 1995, of full-time teaching faculty, librarians and education specialists, exclusive of department chairpersons or equivalent, in each school; and
  • the number of Senators to which each of these constituencies is initially entitled at the inauguration of the Senate in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, Section 1 of the Bylaws.

To conduct the elections for the first Senate and its Committees, a temporary Elections Committee will be established in accordance with the provisions of Article IX, Section 6, subparagraph c), 1) of the Bylaws. This committee will be appointed by the joint administrative/academic committee constructed to review and edit these Bylaws. These appointments are subject to the approval of the President of the College.


Faculty/Librarians/Education Specialists: 26
Department Chairs: 3
Adjunct Faculty Representative: 3
College Delegate to the Faculty Council of CC: 1
Vice President Academic Affairs: 1
Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Development: 1
Vice President Administration: 1
Vice President for Finance: 1
Vice President of Institutional Advancement: 1
Registrar: 1
Dean: 1
NTP's: 3
Classified Staff: 1
Student: 4
Chairs of Standing Committees: 7

Get in Touch

Mary Beth Reynolds
Academic Senate Chairperson
Bulmer Telecommunications Center, Room 228