Conceptual Framework

ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ’s Early Childhood Education A.A.S. program is committed to preparing sensitive, caring, reflective, and considerate teachers who are academically strong, pedagogically skilled, and culturally responsive to the needs of diverse learners within a global society.

  • Development and Assessment
    We believe candidates should be guided by a strong foundation and knowledge of child development and an understanding that teaching begins with child observation, documentation and assessment.
  • Teaching and Learning
    We believe candidates should recognize the critical role of play in children’s learning, build content and pedagogical content knowledge, and demonstrate best teaching practices in culturally responsive, inclusive, adaptive and interactive learning environments.
  • Diversity and Relationships
    We believe candidates should model attitudes and beliefs which reflect linguistic, socioeconomic and cultural sensitivity and promote positive, reciprocal relationships when working with children, adults, coworkers, community members and families within diverse settings.
  • Professionalism and Ethics
    We believe candidates should maintain a professional demeanor and display a positive, appropriate approach toward children and learning. They should demonstrate an awareness of each child’s diverse learning needs and work in a manner consistent with the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.

Our daily teaching practices are grounded in these beliefs and values which we strive to nurture within ourselves as well as in our teacher candidates.

Conceptual Framework Diagram as described on this page

Get in Touch

Department or program information:

Elizabeth A. Yanoff, Ph.D.
Education and Social Sciences DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSON

Program admission information:

Guenther Enrollment Services Center, Room 223