Media Relations and Inquiries

ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ welcomes the opportunity to publicize the achievements, initiatives and special talents of members of the college community.

In order to best facilitate consistent, clear and accurate communication, the Office of Communications and Marketing is designated as the primary contact for all news media inquiries and outreach. Accordingly, all media inquiries, requests to attend events or requests for media interviews should be directed to or (518) 629-8071.

The college President and staff of the Communications and Marketing office serve as official spokespersons and convey the college’s official position in all interactions with the media. However, they may designate another college representative to serve as a spokesperson, when appropriate.

Should a member of the media contact a faculty or staff member and ask to speak about college matters, the inquiry should be referred to the Office of Communications and Marketing.


  • The college responds to media inquiries in accordance with guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) among other laws.
  • New York State’s Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law §87 et. seq.) allows members of the public to access records of governmental agencies; and provides a process for the review and copying of an agency’s public records. This information can be requested through a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request

Get in Touch

Office of Communications and Marketing
Fitzgibbons Health Technologies Center, Room 330