Videoconferencing Instructor-only Rooms

The following videoconferencing equipment is available in BTC 1078, BTC 1079 and BTC 1083, which as instructor-only rooms:
- One camera (with tracking capability)
- Two monitors displaying content and remote site(s)
- Desk microphone
- Soundbar
- Desktop computer
- Document camera
- Touch panel to control camera, share content, adjust volume, start/stop recordings
[Touch panel documentation (PDF)]
Get in Touch
Videoconference Operations Center
Bulmer Telecommunications Center, Suite 247
Roger Pinke
Manager of Video Conferencing and Media Technology
(518) 629-8087
Eric Kiel
Video Conferencing and Media Specialist
(518) 629-7625
Jason Bourdeau
Multimedia Technician
(518) 629-7742
Request a Videoconference
For immediate technical assistance, call the at (518) 629-7364.