Apply to Teach

The Division of Workforce Development and Community Education is interested in new and innovative instructors and course ideas that will be of interest to community members.

Interested in teaching a course and/or submitting a new course idea?

If you would like to submit a new course idea, please complete an application (PDF) and a course proposal and return it to:

Division of Workforce Development and Community Education
80 Vandenburgh Avenue
Troy, NY 12180

Kids on Campus Opportunities

If you are a teacher and have an idea for a Kids on Campus summer offering, submit a course proposal and an employment application (PDF). The summer schedule is finalized in December.

If you are interested in being considered for a position as a camp counselor, please check the employment opportunities webpage in March or April. Counselors must be 16 years old.

Get in Touch

Division of Workforce Development and Community Education

Fitzgibbons Health Technologies Center, Room 334

Fax: (518) 629-8103

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (excluding college holidays and vacations)